Sobriety is a serious matter and you are not alone. Alcohol addiction doesn’t have to be mastered alone but if you need some help, look no further. Change Your Environment The first thing to do is say goodbye to all of your party friends that are drinking out...
The treatment of drug addiction is really effective when a comprehensive and global perspective is applied. To achieve recovery when you suffer from addiction, it is important to solve some central problems that come hand in hand with being addicted, and that...
Many people in the U.S. suffer from co-occurring disorders, also known as dual diagnosis. Dual Diagnosis is when an individual struggling with addiction has a co-occurring mental health condition. This can be everything from alcoholism and depression, to drug...
Constant Self Assesment So I can say I think the key to a healthy and balanced life is … I think the key is constant self assessment. If you live life with arrogance, what’s really going to be happening is you’re going to spend most of your life blaming...
Mindfulness and meditation are two incredibly useful skills you will learn at New Roads Behavioral Health during your visit. They are even better when used together! Mindfulness and meditation are also great skills to embrace once you are out of treatment- or even as...
The Facts Are Clear Men are dying by suicide at an alarming rate. They are more at risk for addiction than women, and they are the instigators of the majority of mass shootings and other forms of violence. Does this make men “bad”? Absolutely not. Men are crying out...