When entering a detox program, most think that there is no preparation necessary. There are 8 important things to know before the detox. Just show up and make the commitment to stop the habit that you may have.
However, this is not the only thing that a detox requires. There are several steps to take before entering a program in order to be sure that your detox actually works!
There are 10 important things that you should know before entering a detox program:

- Get The Right Information –
- Not all detox programs are right for everyone. It is important that you are doing your research about your chosen program. Learn about the steps that are taken so that you know what to expect. Once you discover the process involved in the program, your confidence when you enter and your road to recovery will be smoother.
- There are other things that make the process after detox better like; medial detox support, direct tapering, substitution tapering, and titration tapering.
- There are programs that last longer than others and this is dependent upon the type of drug that was abused, the length of time that it was used and the intensity of the abuse that may require a longer a program. It’s helpful to know how long you will be in a program so that you can prepare for your absence in the real world.
- Be Sure to Bring The Essentials –
- When preparing for a detox program, it’s tempting to bring as much with you as possible. But, it’s actually better to be minimalistic while packing and then you will also be adhering to the clinic’s list of items that you can bring.
- Bringing less items also allows you to focus on what’s going on in the program and not what’s going on outside. It also lowers the chances of you feeling like you’re missing out.
- “Out of sight, out of mind”. Extra items will be a distraction, and the main point of the program is to stay focused and improve your health and well-being to get away from addiction!
- Your goal while in rehab is to focus solely on yourself and your progress moving forward, everything else is admissible. On the bright side, most centers will provide a list of items to bring with you and a lot of the time you are not allowed to bring anything else into the center.
- They will even check your bag to ensure that you are following their rules and not bringing in anything harmful to yourself or anybody else involved.
- Establish a Support Network–
- To prepare for a detox program, most assume that there are too many things to do before entering and start to feel anxious before they even get there. Don’t do this!
- You are allowed to enjoy the company that you keep and letting them know what is going on and where you are going is always a smart decision.
- When you have a solid network of family and friends, they will support and motivate you to go through with the treatment and come out with the most value!
- Communicating with your loved ones can be a difficult process. Sometimes they won’t completely understand why you are going in there. But if you explain to them that you want to get better and that you need their support, they will be there for you.
- Most programs will allow some time to contact over the phone or through email. When you finally make it out of the program, they will be the first people that you want to call.
- Get Nutrients–
- Yeah I know, it sounds strange. If you have been abusing drugs for a long period of time and also the detox process will deplete the body of natural nutrients.
- Absorbing as many nutrients as you can before entering the treatment will allow your body to heal and detox and it will be a lot easier.
- Drug abuse also leads to a change in dietary habits. With that the body is not absorbing the number of nutrients it should. Studies published in Today’s Dietician suggests “stimulants often suppress appetite and disrupt metabolic and neuroendocrine regulation, leading to improper calorie consumption and impaired nutrient processing.”
- This detox will not be easy on your body. You will want to eat bad food or not eat at all due to withdrawals. But you have to stay focused and remember that it will all be worth it in the end.
- Prepare Your Mind–
- Going into the program while your mind is at peace will help you stay focused on maintaining your sobriety. It is also a great time to get motivated to finish the program.
- Studies show that when you enter something with the right mind-set, you have better outcomes. With detox and then rehab, take all of the help that you can get.
- When a person has a lack of personal motivation it often hinders their results and they usually end up relapsing. If you relapse, the program and time that you spent trying to get sober, will all be wasted.
- If you are looking for ways to stay motivated and keep that positive state of mind, create a list of things that you will be able to do after the treatment is over. What accomplishments can come of being sober?
- Also listing the reasons why you decided that you needed to enter a detox program will help you with your motivation to finish!
- Tie up Loose Ends–
- Depending on the duration of the treatment program that you will be entering, it is smart to prepare for the time that you are absent. You may have to discuss the subject of your bills with someone that you trust.
- But don’t get stressed it will all work out! Some places will let you pay 2 months in advance if that is what you need to do. If you live alone, be sure that all of your bills will be paid because your cell phone is not allowed in the centers.
- You may have to discuss the subject of your bills with someone that you trust. But don’t get stressed it will all work out! Some places will let you pay 2 months in advance if that is what you need to do.
- Cellphones are considered distractions and they also do not want you to be able to contact someone to bring you items that you shouldn’t have. If necessary, be sure to contact the courts and your lawyer.
- Let them know that you will be entering a detox program and after rehab treatment. If you get a verbal “okay” it is smarter to get a written confirmation. Work is also something that you want to notify.
- Usually, you can get the time off, if not, there are always other places that you can work for. If they don’t care about your well-being, then you do not want to work for them.
- While in detox you want to make sure that there is nothing to worry about outside. Remember to focus on yourself and what is going on inside.
- It’s Not as Difficult as You Think–
- The resources that rehab centers provide for people who are on the road to recovery are endless. The hardest thing that you had to do is to make the decision to get better.
- Once you make that decision for yourself, everything else will fall into place one by one. This seems small but it can take people years to make that decision and some never get help.
- Prepare For Rehabilitation–
- Going through a detox program is the best decision you will ever make. Although the program is not the last step to recovery, detox is just on element to recovering.
- It’s a common misconception that once you exit a detox program you will always say “no” to any other temptations and won’t need to return to the rehab center.
- Even when you leave the detox successfully, cravings can still come. When you encounter any triggers that produce more cravings it will often make you relapse.
- The better prepared you are and the knowledge you have about different outcomes, the better chance you have of coming out of this and progressively moving forward.
- Addiction is not a moral choice that you can just make at the drop of a dime. Addiction is a disease that affects your brain and the decisions that you make are often clouded.
- It is recommended that you have a rehab program that you can enter immediately after you leave the detox treatment. If you leave no room for questions and just go through with it, you will have the best success.
Detox programs are usually the answer to your problem when it involves addiction. New Roads Behavioral Health can help, and we also have answers to those questions. We have a highly trained staff for each program.