Suicide Awareness Month: September 2023

Suicide Awareness Month: September 2023

Last month, September 2023, was Suicide Awareness Month. It is the time of the year that reminds us to become more aware of  one of the leading causes of death in many societies: suicide. Sadly, suicides happen all year and countless lives are lost to suicide yearly....
Understanding the Impact of PTSD: An Insightful Exploration

Understanding the Impact of PTSD: An Insightful Exploration

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) emerges as a complex outcome of exposure to traumatic events. While its prevalence and ramifications are widely recognized, delving deeper into its effects provides a nuanced understanding of its intricacies. This article delves...
Overcoming the Stigma: Raising Awareness about PTSD

Overcoming the Stigma: Raising Awareness about PTSD

It falls upon us, as a conscientious society, to wield the power of change and dismantle the stigma that surrounds the mental health condition: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). By delving deep into the nuances of PTSD and cultivating an atmosphere of empathy, we...
How Can Pets Affect Mental Health?

How Can Pets Affect Mental Health?

The bonds between humans and animals are powerful. And the positive correlation between pets and mental health is undeniable. According to a 2015 Harris poll, 95 percent of pet owners think of their animal as a member of the family. And that’s true no matter how old...