Jerome Christophe

CSW Therapist
New Roads Behavioral Health | Jerome Christophe

Jerome has worked  has worked for New Roads almost 15 years   He received his Bachelor of Science in Psychology from UVU (go Wolverines!) in 2015 while working 2 jobs and going to school full time. He completed his degree in 4 years and waited a year before pursuing his Masters Degree in Social work in 2016 from the University of Utah. Some of his hobbies are motorcycles, outdoor adventures (snowboarding, hiking) and works to promote aging gracefully because he says “If you live long enough, you will go through it”. Jerome also commits part of his weekend to feeding the hungry in our community on Sundays at a local ministry.  Jerome is also a board member of the Sema Hadithi Foundation; (Swahili) for “tell the story” which focuses on the stories of African Americans in Utah. Particularly the stories of descendants of the enslaved and formerly enslaved.