Intensive Training in the Dialectical Behavior Therapy Prolonged Exposure Protocol
Salt Lake City, UT • 8/27-8/30
Application Fee per person (non-refundable)…………………………………………………………………………….$50 Due by 8/1/2018 or until all training spaces are filled, whichever comes first. Applications without an application fee will not be considered.
Tuition payment is sent separately after acceptance notification and is due no later than 8/1/2018.
Tuition per person …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…$1,300
In order to attend this training, a participant must:- Have attended a DBT Intensive or Foundational Training (or equivalent)
- Be a current member of a DBT consultation team
- Currently, be providing DBT individual therapy
- Agree to read the following treatment manuals before the training:
- Linehan, M. M. (1993). Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder. New York: Guilford Press.
- Linehan, M.M. (2015). DBT® Skills Training Manual (2nd Edition).New York: Guilford Press.
- Foa, E. B., Hembree, E. A., & Rothbaum, B. O. (2007). Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD (Therapist Guide).New York: Oxford University Press., or
- Foa, E. B., Chrestman, K. R. & Gilboa-Schechtman, E. (2008). Prolonged Exposure Therapy for Adolescents with PTSD (Therapist Guide). New York: Oxford University Press.